Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Parallel Mixes

I was surprised to see the mentioning of Lena St. Clair and Waverly Jong’s names in one of the chapters of the Joy Luck Club. It was in the “Without Wood” chapter in Rose Hsu Jordan’s point-of-view, specifically on page 211. In previous chapters, the characters usually mention only one or two other main characters (with the exception of the first chapter) It’s usually either the daughter or mother of the character. I thought it was interesting that the two other characters that Rose Hsu Jordan was taking the opinions of Waverly and Lena because those two characters's lives seemed to be parallel to Rose's.
It's because that most of the characters' lives never interact that I've come to realize that I've made many mistakes of mixing one character for another. It took me a few more chapters to realize that I often switch the experiences of one character for another, and post my reaction up on the blog. It really is difficult to keep track of them all of the time. I had many reactions of reading to a part and it suddenly hit me that I mixed two characters up. This is probably the most difficult task when reading The Joy Luck Club.

Parallel Illusion

"In this illusion, called the Herring Illusion, the center lines are perfectly straight, though they appear to bulge out in the middle."


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